When you no longer believe...
I also specialize in helping clients navigate a faith crisis or faith transitioning. A faith crisis can occur when a person's faith diminishes or changes significantly. Losing your faith can produce difficult emotions and complex challenges, especially if you've been highly identified with your faith as your truth or as your way of life. I work with individuals, couples and families who are transitioning from being a faith-based couple to an interfaith couple or to a non-faith based couple. If you're transitioning from a faith-based life, chances are you're experiencing the loss of identity, loss of belonging to a community and the loss of certainty and predictability for your future that your faith once provided.
Often you will be dealing with loved ones, friends and family members who still believe and don't understand why you've left the faith. You might be feeling betrayed and angry while also feeling free and liberated. It's normal to feel uncertain and overwhelmed. In therapy we will process and organize the difficult emotions you are experiencing and we will work to construct a new, empowering narrative for yourself and your family so you can confidently move forward into a rich and meaningful life.